Yes. I am very clumsy. Last week I feel, and of course, as you do naturally, I guess, I put my hand out so I wouldn't land on my face. So my face remained safe (yay!). My hand - not so much. I landed quite heavily on my right wrist. It hurt like @#$%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not my wrist. I don't know if
there is something wrong with
this one... or if it's fine too. | | | |
Used to such falls, I thought I'd quickly recover. Not so. This week, it still hurt like @#$%, and I pretty much can't use it. Not to write - it is my
write right hand (Yes, I know, I use that pun too often. It's not even funny.). Not even to type. I can't even hold a frickin' coffee. And in such a sorry state, I headed to my doctor. She promptly sent me for an x-ray. The lovely student radiologist informed me that it was fine. No breaks. Not even a tiny fracture.
Yay! I thought to myself before I wondered... then why does it hurt so damned much!? It's gotta get better soon, right? Apparently, strapping and slinging is the way to go until it recovers enough to resume normal functioning.
This is Shi, cursing clumsiness...
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