Thursday, 30 June 2011

...Going Crazy (doing Camp NaNoWriMo!)

Yes, folks, I'm doing Camp NaNoWriMo - the any-time version of the fast-paced novelling insanity called NaNoWriMo! And it's starting tomorrow, July 1st!

For those who don't know, it's basically this: you write 50,000 words in 30 days. It's hard. But it's terribly fun. The great thing about it that you don't have to write anything great. In fact, you can pretty much write shit. It's quantity over quality, and it's great for making you write without thinking of editing every little thing.

I did NaNoWriMo last year (and have the shiny badges to prove it), and enjoyed myself immensely. The novel that I ended up with was awful - the plot had holes big enough to fall through, and the storyline wasn't nearly as compelling as it felt when I was shredding away at my keyboard.

But I loved my main characters. I love them so much, I'm rewriting the crappy novel in a much better version. It'll still have the same heart, I hope - because it was written so fast and without much pre-thought and as-you-go editing, it was a very honest, if badly written, novel.

Ah,  but I'm plunging sanity down the drain, and heading off to Camp tomorrow.

I'm so excited. I've already starting stashing lollies in my travel bag!!

This is Shi, about to set off on an adventure!

PS. I haven't figured it out yet, but if there is a way to be "buddies" like on the normal NaNo site, and you need some competition to keep you writing - let me know! We can be writing buddies, have word-wars, and try to inspire each other :D It's about time that writing stopped being a solitary pursuit, anyway~

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