Friday, 1 July 2011

Camp NaNoWriMo: Day 1

As I mentioned last time, I'm doing Camp NaNoWriMo! It's the very first time it's been run, and I'm joining for all the fun! (And because I have a 2 week school break!)

In any case, everything was easy to set up on the Camp NaNoWriMo website - I did it last night. I am, of course, using my normal NaNoWriMo username and the log-in works just the same. I've done my bio and info, and uploaded a photo - of Ruki from the GazettE, but hey, it's a photo and I admire him immensely! His lyrics really inspire me.

I'm writing with my sister - not the same story, we're both doing NaNo together. And because of the camp theme, we created a tent out of a large sheet and my sewing table, and wrote our first few thousand words under there, munching on lollies. It was super fun - one of the best (and most ridiculous) experiences I've had writing.

So, anyway, on the first day I have about 2667 words. I think that's pretty good, since I'd need to write about 1613 words everyday to finish on time. I've decided to write a fantasy novel, because I've always loved them, and my last novel was an action/romance that wasn't a fantasy, so it'll be a nice change. That was one funny thing about NaNo last year - I've always considered myself a fantasy writer, and yet... I wrote something completely different.

In any case, this post won't be too long because I want to keep writing my novel. I'm loving it. It's been a little difficult, because I'm not a "pantser" (and still every time I do NaNo, I end up pantsing it... what does that say about me?).

So, if you've been longing to write a novel - now's the time! It's still the first day, so jump right in. Or, wait 'til August, when the second round of Camp NaNo begins.

 This is Shi, finally inspired and writing again after a short but painful writer's block.

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