Thursday, 7 July 2011

Camp NaNo: Day 6


Word count: 12040

That's write right, the Camp NaNo party continued on 'til about 5:30pm! Without any sleep in my case, or an hour or two in others', we continued writing. I want to give them shoutouts (with their usernames, of course) for being so aboslutely, wonderfully awesome! - but I don't know if they'd like that. So, if you guys read this, know just how awesome you are!

I reached double-digits in the thousands! *dances*

We watched another movie, Airheads (starring Brenden Fraser, Adamn Sandler and Steve Buscemi), which about a rock'n'roll band desperate to make it holding up a radio in order to get airplay. It's a silly comedy, but was great to have a break to and laugh along with.

We continued writing all night, feeling as though time had been slowed in the small space of our lounge room. There was more reading each others' work, encouraging, laughing and fun as we continued. It was really cool to see everyone's different styles - some were descriptive, some were fast-paced, some were hilarious. I love reading humour in books because I have such trouble writing it. The cheese and chocolates were polished off at some point too.

We breakfasted on hot coffee and tea with toast, and kept writing all day. When everyone left at 5:30pm, I went to bed and slept 'til 9pm. I got up to get a drink, and then when back to bed (so I didn't update on the 6th).

In any case, my story is really moving along now. I have some idea of the plot now, much more than previously and my characters are taking shape. One of the girls said I had great dialogue, which made me so happy because sometimes I feel that I really struggle with dialogue. I'm always wondering "Would [character] really say that? Would anyone really say that?" and so on... But I'm pleased it's coming across well!

This is Shi, heading back to Camp!


  1. Puns are an unappreciated writing and art form and you, my good sir, are simply fantastic for using them. :'D

    Your dialogue is amazing :'D I'm glad to hear that your story is moving along.

    I think that as well about my dialogue. I think I just accept that it's so lame and cheesy that no one would ever say it and just move on towards that 50K XD

    Good luck XD and we should try to organise more parties!

  2. Oh yeah, lame puns are my special attack!

    And you are so kind for saying so!! *beams with delight*. You know, I think your dialogue is great too - it's hilarious, but it fits the story so well. It helps, I think, that your characters are fantastic too. I can't wait to read more of yours. It's like a great dream you just don't wanna wake up from!

    I will definitely try! Good luck with you too! Hope you're getting up to date! :D

  3. Gah! You are too kind OTL
    And a terrible liar ;D
    (but thanks owo)

    I really want to read more of yours too 8D
    (I don't think you'll want to read the stuff I wrote during writeordie)

    I don't have to wish you luck for your word count, clearly XD <3

  4. I never lie! You insult me! D<

    And of course I want to read the stuff you wrote during writeordie - it's so much fun! I know how bad my stuff was. I want to revel in the universal truth that is that crappy writing comes from haste! (and fear)

    Haha, yes, but I'm trying to get mine mostly finished before school starts up again...
